Did a clean up of my design newsletters. This is what's left

As the years go by you end up subscribing to A LOT of crap which piles up in your inbox. I decided to start the year fresh and organised. I've unsubscribed to many newsletters… These are the ones I found worth keeping.

Flavio Lamenza
4 min readJan 8, 2022

1. John Cutler, from the Beautiful Mess

John works for Amplitude and writes very succinctly about building digital products. This is one of his stories that stood out to me.

2. HeyDesigner Weekly

It's one more of the many compilations out there… but I like it ✨😅 it's short and concise.

3. UX Booth

What I like about it is that they write a lot of original content. Different than the others that just repost interesting articles and finds.

4. NN/g Newsletter

Because they are an authority in regards to research and usability. Jakob Nielse is one of the fathers of Usability Heuristics and updated them in a very interesting article, here. At the bottom of this article you can download a very handy guide in many different formats.

At the bottom of this article

5. Smashing Magazine

This one was "to keep or not to keep?!?!"… They used to produce top content, but lately the newsletter is packed with ads, workshops ads, courses they give and other uninteresting stuff… but I still believe they can become what they used to be so I keep subscribed.

6. UX Design Weekly, by Kenny Chen

A weekly compilation of relevant articles and interesting finds. Similar to HeyDesigner, and you will often find the same links in both, but I still find value in checking out the links every week.

Interesting bit is that Kenny always share one design portfolio from random people around the world. Super cool.

7. Really Good UX

It is indeed a compilation of "really good UX". They always share some good examples with screenshots about user onboarding, modals, types of surveys, new features that apps are releasing and more.

8. Granted, from the autor and teacher Adam Grant

Adam Grant wrote some top selling books such as Think Again, Originals and Option B. He's generally a very smart human with a Phd in organizational psychology. His links and book recommendation are shared via this newsletter.

Originals is a great book by the way, in my opinion the best one that he wrote.

9. Alan Moore, Living Beautifully

Alan Moore wrote the book "Why beauty is key to everything", which is a great read and also had this quote which I never forgot:

If we cannot describe a new destination, we will never be able to get there.

His newsletter is a compilation of many beautiful things around the world, from books, videos, shorts, films, art, initiatives, businesses and more.

10. Growth.Design

This is the last one, because it's one of the best I've been reading lately.

They write every month and break down many case studies based on psychology and usability heuristics with very rich annotations, fun insights and it's genuinely good!

They could've stop just by taking screenshots and commenting on what's wrong with some case studies, but they also recommend and design new possible solutions and explain why it can be better.

Hope you enjoyed these newsletter recommendations.

Thank you for your time reading. 👏😁 😉

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Flavio Lamenza

User Experience Designer. Creator. Curious. Reader. Optimist. Father of Miguel and Bernardo.